Friday, September 24, 2010


"I'm always thinking about creating. My future starts when I wake up every morning. Every day I find something creative to do with my life."-Miles Davis

A creative person finds everything creative around them. A simple flowing wave or a star-studded night appears and is portrayed creatively by them. Nothing is a waste in an eye of a creative mind. He can convert any waste into a beautiful masterpiece. If more creative minds learn the art of cultivating their minds then may be the world will be left with no waste. 
Contributions made by people around:
  • In the recent, Society exhibition at World Trade Center, I came across two girls from Rajasthan who had made beautiful utility items out of the stationery waste generated by us in day to day life.
  • The Rock Garden or Rock Garden of Chandigarh is a Sculpture garden in Chandigarh, India, also known as Nek Chand's Rock Garden after its founder Nek Chand, a government official who started the garden secretly in his spare time in 1957.The Rock Garden is still made out of recycled materials. It is situated near Sukhna Lake. It consists of man-made interlinked waterfalls and many other sculptures that have been made of scrap & other kinds of wastes (bottles, glasses, bangles, tiles, ceramic pots, sinks, electrical waste, etc) which are placed in walled paths.
  • The initiative made by Xavier’s college at Malhar Fest 2010 was quite appreciating. The youth playing an active role by conducting an event to make bags was amazingly organized to make productive use of waste newspapers.

The day-to-day green waste generated by us can be productively used to make manure and fuel. It would solve the problem of disposing waste a same time being non-polluting and source of energy.

I also try not to throw away any waste without using my mind. I try making best waste of waste generated. The experience of taking an initiative to teach the NGO kids to make news paper bags and candy sticks, cans, plastic bottles and coconut shells to create multipurpose stands gave me satisfaction and thought of Clean Mumbai, Green Mumbai. I feel glad when the waste around is generated productively…

DeSiGnS aLl ArOuNd!!!!!!!!

“There are two ways of being creative. One can sing and dance. Or one can create an environment in which singers and dancers flourish.”-Warren G. Bennis

On 23rd September 2010, I had an inspiring lecture at my jewellery designing academy academy-Gautam Banerjee's Academy. I was unaware about the session. When I was informed about it. Initially I was forced to go for the session, as it was a compulsory session. My sir Gautam Banerjee had a spark in his inspiring words. How the simple surroundings around us can develop into a creative motif was the chief inspiration given by him. He showed how various surrounding could be replicated into designer jewellery. How a bird beak was use to make motif for a ring, a glass of water was use to make motif for a pendant, a burnt paper was use to make a motif for a necklace and an air conditioner panel was use to make a motif for s bracelets was all beautifully showed to me.
I can never imagine that the atmosphere we live in is full of designs. Each and everything creates a motif. And this motif is further created into a designing motif for jewellery, accessories, etc.
I was thankful, that a forceful session for me was an outcome for creative thinking. I myself created designs from the surrounding motifs, below are few of the designs made from the motifs I picked up.



Thursday, September 23, 2010

cReAtIvItY-a BoOn!


Creativity is a boon. Universe is a nature's creation that does not stop us from being astonished day-by-day discovering its wonderful magic.
Creation is divining; it sometimes takes me to spiritual world where only my art and myself exist. Each and everything you find in the universe is a creation of some sort.
Even the destruction of rocks creates soil. Life is wonderful but it is made more wonderful by the creation of nature. Even the scientific inventions are man-made creations, which makes our life much more convent to live. An artist's painting or stone sculptures or even mundane things like creating new dishes is a result of creativity of a human mind.
I would go on to say that creating a beautiful life for your kids or sustaining nature for future generations is also creativity. Creativity has no bounce. The smallest task performed with perfection is a creation in itself. Creativity brings a spark to your life, adds color and gives a better perspective of life.
Though creativity is natural besides nature only man had an ability to create things to add comfort to his life. Summers without an air conditioner or winter without a geyser is unimaginable.

Creativity has a place in every face of our life, be it clothes, jewellery, accessories like handbags, purses, shoes, etc. Even when technology was not developed people created jewellery out of bones, horns, stones. Creation of space took us to the moon.
Now we feel nothing is impossible, the only thing required is an edge- Creativity and Curiosity.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

CrEaTiViTy KnOwS nO bOuNdArIeS.......

“A dream is your creative vision for your life in the future. You must break out of your current comfort zone and become comfortable with the unfamiliar and the unknown.”-Denis Waitley

Architecture is a creative skill combined with science, which has produced many wonders of the world like the Taj Mahal of Agra, Coliseum of Rome, Great wall of China, Machupichu of Peru, Great pyramid of Giza, Hanging Garden of Babylonia, etc. are masters of creativity had created such wonders which are even appreciated till this date. In the modern world these wonders are preserved as heritage and serve as a pathway for the modern creators and also serve as an inspiration to reach great heights.
Creativity should not be suppressed. It should be shared with the world. Such arts of creations can provide an in sight into the minds of the creators. Architecture is a concrete example and a physical evidence of the creators mind. Such faultless structures make us wonder how these great masters had created these great monuments without the help of modern technology.
Now a day, we have the help of modern techniques as well as computers to aid us in the process of creation. No wonder we are now able to produce such huge buildings and great structures that could sustain earthquakes and other natural disaster.
From the core of the earth to the distance space, man is trying to conquer all.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

WaKe Up AnD dIsCoVeR!

“Every human has four endowments- self awareness, conscience, independent will and creative imagination. These give us the ultimate human freedom... The power to choose, to respond, to change.“-Stephen Covey 
Creativity and innovation are important keys to success in today's rapidly changing world. Process improvement, problem solving, recruiting, retaining and motivating employees, decision making, dealing with limited resources, satisfying customers, and rapidly changing technology are all examples of business realities that require creative solutions. Yet, innovative thinkers are often tough to find today.Somewhere along the line, many of us have forgotten how to use their imagination to think and solve problems out of the box. So how can we regain and maintain our spirit of fun and creativity? Here are a few tips I came across:-

Be curious:
Practice developing your curiosity by asking questions to get a better understanding, or to see things from a different perspective. Some questions you might ask:

  • What are we taking for granted?

  • What are we assuming is impossible?

  • What if ...

  • Why do we ...

Celebrate your failures:
There are many inventions we view as essentials today that exist only because someone recognized their failure as an opportunity. Examine what can be learned from each "failure." It may be an opportunity to create a new product, improve a process, or solve a problem. Look for ways to make this type of evaluation part of your normal practices so the entire workforce is encouraged to think more creatively!
Nurture your inner child:
Look for ways to become a kid again. Watch children at play and remember what things brought you joy as a kid. Consider what brings you joy today and take time out to explore your playful side.
These are just a few of the ways you can learn to be more creative to achieve the success you deserve. Remember, it's never too late to start. Good luck and have fun!

CrEaTiViTy ThOuGh uNiVeRsAl StIll cOnTrAsTiNg.....

“Creative ideas flourish best in a shop which preserves some spirit of fun. Nobody is in business for fun, but that does not mean there cannot be fun in business.”-Leo Burnett

Though creation is an individual contribution many factors affect creativity, knowledge, technique, culture and resources available. No creativity can be undermined but styles differ but that is also a reason that we find such variety of creativity around us. A few days back I visited the Hong Kong International Jewellery Fair that was total contrast of International Indian Jewellery Show in India. The Hong Kong Fair was very different in its creation. The ambience and the decoration were western and eye catching.
The designs of the jewellery were different in comparison to the designs I saw in IIJS. Hong Kong International Jewellery Fair had new trends, which were depicted in the fair around. It was spacious and was grand. Where as the IIJS was quite small in comparison to the Hong Kong International Fair.
Each motif, materials used stones and gems as well as the creation of jewellery manufactured was amazing. The creative and innovative creation of the jewellery piece was highlighted in the designs. The creation of designs also had a regional contrast. 
The Indian designs were studded with gems, the designs of UAE markets were bold and mainly of gold, The US markets showed its delicacy and professionalism in its designs. Each masterpiece was different to the other. The mind behind these designs was the creative soul and brain of the Innovative Jewellery Designers.

Monday, September 20, 2010

cOmPuTeR:aN aLtErNaTe To HuMaN bRaIn

"I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do It." 
Pablo Picasso

Technology has also advanced in the fields of designing. Use of advanced technology has made life easy and better. People have started using computers and other external devices like graphic tablets to create various designs easily and quickly.
Introduction of software’s like Photoshop, CorelDraw, Maya, etc has helped to design jewellery, artifacts human beings, etc every fast. Previously paper was the chief resource for designing. But now people have been using these software’s to create their designs effectively. Be it Fashion Designing, Interior Designing or Jewellery Designing, graphics in film, etc - behind all this is the mastermind the Creative Creator.
Creativity is needed in every aspect including the commercial aspects like creating business cards, letterheads, brochures, manuals, etc.
Now-a-days event management has taken over the creative aspect of arranging business meets, parties, marriages as well as fashion shows. World without creativity would be so barren, the life would be colorless and bleak. There would be no hope for a better future, may be there would be no interest in life. Creativity is connected to culture that brings about a foundation of ideas and makes our life more exciting.
A recent creation of mine will give you an insight as to the importance of creativity in commercial ventures.


Heading towards a better future with a creative mind.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

FrAgRaNcE, fAnGrAnCe AlL aRoUnD....

"There are two ways of being creative. One can sing and dance. Or one can create an environment in which singers and dancers flourish."
Warren G. Bennis

When I had been to Ahmedabad some 2years back, during December, I had come across the Art of Aromatics. When I heard that perfumes can be made at home I was astonished. The curiosity in me had started buildng up. I was impatient to learn and know how it was possible to make it at home. I was even told that it take less than 5 minutes to prepare a bottle of 30ml. The next day itself I took my cousin along to meet the person who was teaching this art.
I was excited and curious to create fragrances in my own combination. This further was developed by me as I learnt the Art of Perfume making. The knowledge of  making perfume was basic but my creativity helped me to create new fragrances like Black lily,Nature treat,Ice spice,etc.
My life was filled with aroma and I wanted to spread the fragrance of perfume around. I would love to share the process of making perfumes.

Materials required:-
  • Ps (Basic liquid used often called alcohol)
  • Ss (Fragrance available)
  • Fixo-lite (A medium added to keep the fragrance long lasting)
  • Funnel jar (Used to mix)
  • Glass rod or any medium to stir.
  • Beautiful refillable bottles

Steps to making perfumes:-
(For 30ml bottle)
  • Take 25ml of Ps in the funnel jar.
  • Add 3ml of Ss and 2ml of Fixo-lite in the jar.
  • Stir them well and later after 2 minutes fill them in the refillable bottle.
  • The long lasting and aromatic fragrance is made in less then 5minutes:-)

Perfumes can be made at home at little expense and gives me the satisfaction of creating something different. It is a nice gift people are forever asking me to make perfumes for them. May be in future I might create a Perfumery and provide employment opportunities for a few people. Well this is also a kind of creation.

ArT-sKiN dEeP...

“What is Art? It is the response of man's creative soul to the call of the Real.”-Rabindranath Tagore

Fashion is today’s world. Its reached is not only restricted to clothes and accessories but has reached the hair and the skin also. People today are very fashionable as well as love to move forward with new trends and influencing style. Walking with fashion today is must for today’s youth. The people are being highly influenced by the dressing style as well as the outer appearance. People are also adapting the different hairstyles and makeups.
People dress up differently to express themselves. Here, again dressing differently leads to thinking differently.
Now a days, tattoos are made on skin and nails are decorated with different nail paints with various innovative designs. Tattoos may be temporary or permanent, temporary one can be easily removed with acetone. But the permanent ones are painful and can be removed only with lasers .The trend is moving towards permanent tattoos all over the body parts may be the arm, the back, the neck or the leg. It is a very creative form of art. In olden days it was done by the tribal’s with black ink but now-a-days colour has been added to the tattoos, making it more beautiful and creative. The art itself is difficult but the results are mind blowing.


Even a small part of our body like the nails is decorated beautifully with the nail art. Some years back, the nails were only painted with nail paints but now-a-days different designs are made on them, stickers are stuck, gems are studded and nails are pierced with rings or stones. A wonderful array of designs and innovations are created which is a delight to the eye.
                                           BEAUTIFUL NAIL ART

Saturday, September 18, 2010

CrEaTiViTy AnD mE..


Creative mind helps one to overcome from the darkness of life and helps us to get engrossed in things we desire to do and thus helps to divert our mind from the stressful or bad circumstances that occur.
Creativity does never have to say you’re sorry. Yes, just like love. In fact, like love, we must never judge or ridicule creativity. Creativity is precious; it is our birthright and a glowing light that resides within each one of us, making us special and unique…
Creativity of life is the way one thinks differently and is the way he/she tries things differently. For me creativity in life is very important love imagining things differently.
Back in 1995,when I was just 5 years old I was sent to various classes like drawing classes, embroidery classes, craft classes, clay modeling and so on which dealt with creative knowledge’s was involved in all creative activities which though kept me away from my house helped in developing my inner self-the real me .the knowledge imparted to me during my childhood has not only become a hobby but a way of life
Vigorous practice made me so well versed with creativity as a subject that there is no such aspect related to this which is left untouched.
Makings best out of waste, designing, painting and so on are things I would love to do and continue doing so throughout my life.